Rituals for teams

Rituals are an important part of any team. They build predictability, helps bring the team members together, and set clear expectations for how we treat each other. Done right, rituals can add to the psychological safety on a team. Here are some rituals I have implemented on teams I have managed over the years:

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The first career conversation

I have a career conversation with new hires on my team pretty soon after they first start on the team. The objective of this career conversation is for me to get to know them, what drives them, what can be demotivating etc. This is a template I developed and refined over the last few years.

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So you wanna be a manager...

Hi! This is a collection of tips for new managers put together by me. I did not invent any of this. All the good ideas you see here are things I have learned from great leaders and managers who have mentored me. All the bad ideas you see here are mine. Please feel free to leave any feedback or comments.

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Just like Harry Potter, but Indian. And real.

Of-fucking-course they are announcing the school Prefectorial Board today. The day I happen to be a part of the choir at our morning assembly, hence standing on the stage already. Imagine you were nominated for the Oscars and the whole time the camera is focussed on your face for the world to see your reaction as the winners are announced. I know this isn’t the Oscars, but when you’re 16 and in high school, everything seems higher stakes than it actually is.

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Exercise 3: Setting a scene

Every seat in the house is occupied. The man who’s been my neighbor to my left for the last 7 hours yawns and stretches. He seems to make a deal with himself, or perhaps with god, as he shakes himself awake. He settles on the edge of his seat with his hands folded in a silent prayer. My friend on my right is not so silent with her prayer. I can feel her tapping her foot, muttering something that makes no sense to me but sounds like a distant prayer from a land now distant for all of us.

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Make your way to the Joyless pool

I am currently in Hawaii, living my best life at the Grand Wailea. It’s a beautiful resort with many beautiful pools, water slides, a lazy river, a tarzan rope jump, waterfalls etc., and then there’s the Adults only pool. After three days of shenanigans, I finally made my way to the ‘Adult pool’.

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personalAastha Gaur
Where’s the broom?

Elise, my hair stylist, is well known for her skill with vivid colors. There are a ton of people who want to learn from her, and she usually has a different assistant every time I go in. Since I am in that chair for a good 4–6 hours, we end up talking about all sorts of things when I am there.

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careerAastha Gaur