Posts tagged writing class
Just like Harry Potter, but Indian. And real.

Of-fucking-course they are announcing the school Prefectorial Board today. The day I happen to be a part of the choir at our morning assembly, hence standing on the stage already. Imagine you were nominated for the Oscars and the whole time the camera is focussed on your face for the world to see your reaction as the winners are announced. I know this isn’t the Oscars, but when you’re 16 and in high school, everything seems higher stakes than it actually is.

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Exercise 3: Setting a scene

Every seat in the house is occupied. The man who’s been my neighbor to my left for the last 7 hours yawns and stretches. He seems to make a deal with himself, or perhaps with god, as he shakes himself awake. He settles on the edge of his seat with his hands folded in a silent prayer. My friend on my right is not so silent with her prayer. I can feel her tapping her foot, muttering something that makes no sense to me but sounds like a distant prayer from a land now distant for all of us.

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